our methods.
Our programs go beyond typical outdoor recreation.We use nature as a classroom for queer history and a gateway to self-reflection. Each Out and About trip has 3 characteristics:
1. Nature.
Being outdoors is the foundation of everything we do at Out and About Travels. You’re guaranteed to get outdoors and experience nature with every Out and About trip.
2. Queer history.
Queer history isn’t taught in schools, it’s being censored by our politicians from libraries and social media, and it’s consistently whitewashed and edited to be more ‘palpable’. Out and About seeks to be an avenue for the LGBTQ+ community to study queer history, engage in discussions with their peers, and learn how to apply that historical knowledge in their lives.
3. Personal development.
Our programs are designed to encourage clients to be vulnerable with their peers and to look deep within themselves. Out and About integrates different SEL (social-emotional learning) activities into our trips to create a space for self-reflection and growth. Each trip is a unique opportunity to discover new traits and skills, explore your boundaries, and become a more confident you!
Our values are at the heart of everything Out and About does. Here’s how we incorporate each of our values into our organization:
We understand that our queer community is made up of a rainbow of races, gender identities, abilities, ethnicities, and other beautiful differences. Justice and equality must be intersectional, and we don’t support or condone racism, sexism, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, islamophobia, or any other form of hatred and bigotry. We strive to create a community that is welcoming and representative of all by:
listening to, lifting up, and respecting the voices of marginalized communities.
opposing the whitewashing of queer history and celebrating BIPOC and other marginalized queer figures.
partnering with other nonprofits and organizations that prioritize intersectionality and ALL members of the queer community.
Ethical: We respect the claim that Indigenous people have over this land, and want to acknowledge and honor the history that Indigenous groups have with National Parks. When traveling to historic or sacred lands, we want our time there to be meaningful, educational, and respectful towards Native people. This will be done by:
ensuring our clients learn and understand the connection that Native Americans have with this land and the brutal history behind the creation of our national parks system.
financially supporting and celebrating the tribes that used to occupy different national parks.
creating partnerships with organizations that promote the welfare of Indigenous groups.
Sustainable: We believe that our planet is meant to be enjoyed. We also believe that it’s our responsibility to take care of the earth and to be mindful of how our actions impact the world around us. We plan to accomplish this by :
being honest and transparent about the organization’s carbon footprint and fossil fuel use.
using a “leave no trace” model in our programming, ensuring that our clients understand how to enjoy and interact with nature without harming it.
collaborating with organizations that have green initiatives or support the conservation of our planet.
Having a strong support system is one of the greatest advantages that someone can have in life. Unfortunately, many queer individuals don’t have the resources or support that their straight counterparts do, especially in areas like America's ‘bible belt’. Building a thriving Out and About community will allow LGBTQ+ individuals in Southwest MO and beyond to experience love and support out in nature and back at home. This will be accomplished by:
hosting frequent, local events that are free and accessible to everyone.
intentionally crafting our trips to encourage discussion and bonding.
partnering with other likeminded organizations in Springfield to create a network of resources in our community.
At Out and About Travels, we believe that growth is an essential part of leading a healthy existence. As humans, we are constantly developing new skills, changing our personalities, and adopting new mannerisms and habits. Our trips provide a framework for positive growth, which allows our clients to flourish. We enable this growth by:
encouraging our leaders to model a growth mindset and be vulnerable and honest with our clients.
incorporating social-emotional learning and team-building activities that strengthen / develop personal skills and confidence.
allow space for individuals to lead their own growth and support them along their personal journey.